Unit code 108173

Office hours for students Costanza Di Fabio: Wednesday at 14:00 - Office n. 1048 (DIEC - 1st floor)

Office hours for students Lara Penco: Monday at 3.00 pm, at DIEC / CIELI, Via Vivaldi 5.

Office hours for students Carolina Bruzzi: Office hours by appointment, in the teacher's studio (Darsena, II level), or via Teams, to be agreed via emailcarolina.bruzzi@unige.it

Further updates will be provided during the lessons and indicated on Aulaweb.

Course description, location, aims and contents, exam description and further information

Insegnamento articolato in moduli, vedi anche: PLANNING AND FINANCIAL COMMUNICATION - 108174, STRATEGIC PLANNING (FOR BUSINESS) - 108175