Unit code 61294, subunit A

Office hours for students Marco Bagli: During the first semester, Office hours will be held on Tuesdays, 10 a.m to 12 p.m. Please refer to the teacher's webpage for any update. Nel primo semestre il ricevimento si terrà il martedì mattina dalle 10 alle 12. Eventuali cambi di programma saranno comunicati sulla pagina del docente.

To register exam marks, please send an email only during Office hours. I will not ignore any email sent at any other time. 

Office hours for students Elga Nicolini: For updates on office hours, please go to the course's aulaweb page (still unavailable)


Lesson starts: Lectures will start during the week of 03/10/2023. Please see https://easyacademy.unige.it/portalestudenti/ for the exact schedule. 

Course description, location, aims and contents, exam description and further information