Unit code 65217, subunit B

Office hours for students Elga Nicolini: For updates on office hours, please go to the course's aulaweb page (still unavailable)


Office hours for students Laura Santini: Office hours are shown on the course Aulaweb page ENGLISH LANGUAGE I - 65036

Students can also send an email to laura.santini@unige.it and or ask for a meeting either online or in person. 

Please do not send messages via Teams, thanks.


Lesson starts: Classes for this course start at the beginning of the first semester for the BA course in Modern Languages and Cultures. Please check on the Aulaweb page to learn the exact timetable for both Theoretical (term one only) and Language modules (annual classes). You can also find  precise information about the timetable and rooms on easyacademy.
Prof. Santini's theoretical module class starts on October 3rd. Find the language module schedule and rooms on this Aulaweb page.
Check on the Lecturer's the Aulaweb page for updates, news and class reports. 


Course description, location, aims and contents, exam description and further information