Unit code 65036

Office hours for students Laura Santini: Office hours are shown on the course Aulaweb page ENGLISH LANGUAGE I - 65036

Students can also send an email to laura.santini@unige.it and or ask for a meeting either online or in person. 

Please do not send messages via Teams, thanks.


Office hours for students Justin Rainey: Appointments can be fixed for meetings in the Department or on Teams.

Office hours for students Susan Marie Campbell: Office hours will be held in the classroom immediately after class or by appointment the "Docenti Lingue" office on the 2nd floor.

or an appointment, please email susan.campbell@unige.it

Lesson starts: To learn more about class schedule and starting date(s), please, check the course page on  Aulaweb (ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION I - 65036) or  easyacademy.

Please note that the language modules classes - that is, Textual revision; Economics in translation; Intepreting - start on the second week of term one, that is, second week of October 2023 (i.e. 9-13 October).

Please check the following Aulaweb page for details about timetable and rooms. Prof. Santini starts her theory module classes on October 30th. 

Find news, updates, course reports, and more on the following Aulaweb page.

Course description, location, aims and contents, exam description and further information