Enrolment options

Unit code 86634

Office hours for students Renato Procopio: Appointment with phone call or email.


Office hours for students Federico Delfino: Students that need further clarifications will be received on appointment (e-mail: federico.delfino@unige.it).

Office hours for students Stefano Bracco: Students are received by appointment directly with the teacher via email or phone.

Contact details:

Stefano Bracco, DITEN, Via Opera Pia 11a, first floor, office no. I.20, 16145 Genova

Savona Campus, Via Magliotto 2, Delfino building, office no. 3, 17100 Savona

tel. +39-01921945123, mob. +39-3357917372, e-mail: stefano.bracco@unige.it



Lesson starts: https://courses.unige.it/10170/p/students-timetable

Course description, location, aims and contents, exam description and further information

Insegnamento articolato in moduli, vedi anche: POWER SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT - 86638, POWER SYSTEMS MODELLING AND CONTROL - 65887

Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)